
Memorial PathwayPrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Sandra Brown
The walkway commemorates Lions Club members past and present, as well as many residents from throughout the district. The walkway shows the history of Marulan and the surrounding district and begins with the logo of Lions International, followed by the charter members of the Lions Club of Marulan and District.

Pavers representing Lions Club members past and present, as well as many residents from throughout the district, have been placed in Meridian Park. The memorial pathway was officially unveiled and dedicated at a ceremony on Sunday September 19.

The idea for the establishment of the walkway began early last year. It was suggested at a Lions meeting as a memorial pathway but was extended to include anyone who would like to have a paver.

The walkway is still a work in progress, with plans to seal the pavers with a special clear sealer that will prevent stains and make them look good. The walkway shows the history of Marulan and the surrounding district and begins with the logo of Lions International, followed by the charter members of the Lions Club of Marulan and District. There are names from long ago and names of people who are new residents, as well as some local organisations, and there is still room for future expansion.

The Lions Club would like to thank everyone who participated in the project by ordering a paver and Goulburn Mulwaree Council for allowing the walkway to be added to Meridian Park. Special thanks to Brian Faulkner and his students from Goulburn TAFE, who laid the pavers. They worked under some very extreme weather conditions to complete the walkway.

Thanks also to Chris and Julie Grills of Marulan Rural Supplies for their assistance in storing the pavers and delivering them when needed, Shepherd’s Hill Nursery for their kind donation of sand and to all the Lions who assisted with organising, planning, designing and cleaning.
Goulburn Post, 26 September 2010. 


Address:George Street, Meridian Park , Marulan, 2579
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -34.716409
Long: 150.001292
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Walkway
Monument Theme:Culture


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Sunday 19th September, 2010
Inscription in Proximity

Plaque :

This Memorial Path was reconstructed with the kind support of the Veolia Mulwaree Trust 

May 2021 

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au