
60 Years of Service by Country Women`s AssociationPrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Russell Byers / John Huth

The sundial commemorates 60 years of service to Guyra and District by the Guyra Country Women`s Association from 1932 to 1992.

On Saturday last, a well attended public meeting of town and country women was held in the Shire Chambers to discuss the proposal of Miss M. White, President of the Northern Tablelands Group of the Country Women's Association that a Branch be formed at Guyra. Miss White outlined the aims and work of the C.W.A. briefly, leaving further details to be supplied by Mrs. M. Sawyer, who will visit Guyra on Saturday, 30th July, when she will address a meeting at the Shire Chambers at II a.m. All interested will be cordially welcome. 

The meeting decided to form a Branch, and the following officers were elected :— President. Mrs. H. A. Williamson ; Vice-Presidents, Mrs C.D.Judge, Mrs. Ken. Gordon, Mrs R D Morgan, Miss M. Stewart ; Hon Secretary, Mrs. Chas. Starr ; Hon. Treasurer, Mrs. G. J. Mitchell.
Guyra Argus (NSW), 21 July 1932.


Address:158 Bradley Street, Guyra Shire Council, Guyra, 2365
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -30.221381
Long: 151.671278
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Structure
Monument Theme:Culture
Actual Event Start Date:16-July-1932
Actual Event End Date:16-July-1992


Approx. Monument Dedication Date:1992
Front Inscription

A gift from Guyra Country Women`s Association

To commemorate  60 years of service to town and District

1932 - 1992

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au