
Terowie Residents During World War TwoPrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Henry Moulds / Chris McLaughlin
The plaque was unveiled at the site of the former Australian Comfort Funds Hut to commemorate the efforts of the people of Terowie during World War Two. 

A significant majority of Australia volunteers during World War Two worked for one of the two largest wartime organisations: the Australian Red Cross and the Australian Comforts Fund (ACF) . Both these organisations were officially recognised by the Australian Government to support and assist Australia's servicemen and women. The ACF was run largely by women volunteers who undertook the majority of administrative and manual work.

The aim of the ACF was to provide free 'comfort' items that were not supplied by the services to all Australian servicemen. These items included singlets, socks, pyjamas, cigarettes and tobacco, razor blades, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste and reading material (newspapers and magazines). Additionally, the ACF also provided recreational facilities, rest rooms, sporting equipment, gramophones and records to the troops, as well as regularly providing writing materials such as pencils, paper and postcards so the soldiers' could write home.

The ACF relied on fundraising and donations to supply these items to the Australian soldiers. The ACF raised thousands of pounds though various activities, such as door knock appeals, fetes and button days, to cover the cost of materials and shipping of items to the troops. The number of goods supplied, funded and distributed by the ACF volunteers is quite remarkable.

Last Saturday night 19 members of the Peterborough Sub-Branch went to the opening of the Terowie Sub-Branch in their new Club Room at the Comforts Fund Hut. It was an enjoyable evening and congratulations were extended to Terowie Returned Men on having formed their own branch. 
Times and Northern Advertiser, Peterborough, South Australia (SA), 18 January 1946.


Address:Main Street, Terowie, 5421
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -33.150555
Long: 138.919305
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Plaque
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:03-September-1939
Actual Event End Date:15-August-1945


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Monday 8th May, 1995
Front Inscription

This plaque was unveiled on 6th May, 1995 at the site of the Australian Comfort Funds Hut

To commemorate the efforts of Terowie residents during World War II


Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au