
St Bartholomew`s Honour RollPrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by John Huth

The wooden honour roll commemorates members of the church who served in World War Two. 

Honour rolls containing the names of 99 men and 9 women will be unveiled at the Church of England in Alstonville, Rous and Tregeagle on Sunday and Monday. Details are: Alstonville, 46 men, 5 women; Rous, 26-2; Tregeagle, 27-2. The rolls are in honour of members of the Church of England who enlisted to serve in the 1939-45 war. They were compiled by the congregations of St. Bartholomew's (Alstonville), St. John's (Rous) and St. Peter's (Tregeagle). On Sunday the honour roll for Rous will be unveiled at 2 p.m. and at Tregeagle church a similar ceremony will be held at 7.30 p.m. On Monday the unveiling ceremony will take place at Alstonville at 7.30 p.m.

The Rector, Mr. E. Williams, said yesterday that all who wish to pay tribute are invited to attend. A special invitation has been sent to those whose name is on the roll of honour. The Ven. Archaeacon W. Burvill (Ballina) will officiate as deputy for he Bishop for the unveiling ceremony. The rector of the parish will preach at each service. In addition to the Honour Roll, members of the church at Alstonville are erecting a suitable notice board with electric lighting; the church at Rous a new Lectern and the church at Tregeagle is being wired and fitted with the bronze fittings and suitable globes ready for the electric light. These are being installed at each church by voluntary contributions.
Northern Star (Lismore, NSW), 19 April 1951.


Address:6 The Avenue, St Bartholomew's Anglican Church, Alstonville, 2477
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -28.840181
Long: 153.438657
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Honour Roll
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:03-September-1939
Actual Event End Date:15-August-1945


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Monday 23rd April, 1951
Front Inscription

1939 - 45

St Bartholomew`s Honour Roll

[ Names ]

Lest We Forget

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au