
Hollinwood State School Roll of HonourPrint Page Print this page

The honour roll commemorates those who served in World War One.

A most enjoyable dance, in aid of the State school funds (flag and honor roll), was held last Wednesday evening at Davies' barn, Hollinwood. For the past three weeks the secretaries (Miss V. Charleson and Mrs J. A. Wilson), assisted by a very willing hand of helpers, had been working to make this dance a success socially and financially. That their efforts succeeded beyond all expectations was apparent to anyone present at the barn on Wednesday evening last.

The building wore a highly festive air with its decorations of gum leaves, blossom, festoons of red, white and blue and groups of flags of the Allies. Camouflaged so, it was universally admired by the very large gathering of visitors who were present from all parts of the surrounding districts, and among whom were the Mayor and Mayoress of Creswick (Cr and Mrs Broom), Cr Wilson, Cr Jebb and Cr and Mrs Merritt. The entertainment was opened by the singing of the National Anthem and "God bless our splendid men."

During the evening songs were pleasingly rendered by Miss Blamey and Mr Oxley (Creswick), accompanied at the piano by Misses S. Broom and M. Chalkley. Miss M. Chalkley capably managed the musical part of the dance programme; extra numbers being played by Miss B. Collins (Allendale), Miss V. Charleson (Allendale), and Mr R. Harris (Creswick). Mr W. Rickard (assisted by Mr A. McAndrew) ably filled the position of M.C. A splendid supper was provided by the ladies, and it was thoroughly enjoyed by one and all. At the conclusion of the dance, Mr K Wilding, chairman of the dance committee, in a neat speech, thanked all who had, by their presence and their kindly help, contributed towards making the barn dance such a big success.

As the result of the effort, the Hollinwood State school will, it is hoped, soon be able to join the ranks of those schools that are the proud possessors of a new flag and a Roll of Honor erected to the memory of the splendid men who have and who are, many of them, still helping to keep the flag of freedom triumphantly floating to the breeze.
Creswick Advertiser (Vic), 15 October 1918. 


Address:70 Albert Street, Creswick Museum, Creswick, 3363
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -37.424024
Long: 143.894861
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Honour Roll
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919


Approx. Monument Dedication Date:Circa 1918
Front Inscription

Hollinwood State School

Roll of Honor.

[ Names ] 

For God King & Country.


Source: VWHI, MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au