
St Andrew`s Presbyterian Church Honour RollPrint Page Print this page

The honour roll commemorates those from the church who served in World War One.

In the presence of a large congregation at the Brunswick Presbyterian Church yesterday afternoon, His Excellency the Governor General (Sir Ronald Munro Ferguson who was accompanied by Lady Helen Munro Ferguson) unveiled the honour roll erected in the church to those members who had served in the war.

His Excellency said that in unveiling a memorial to those who had been prepared to sacrifice all, and, in many cases had done so, it should be remembered that neither extent of territory nor wealth made for the real greatness of a nation nor did it make a nation respected. Rather it was that readiness to forget wrong at any cost. Those whose names were written on this memorial had proved themselves true men, and their parents should be among the proudest in the land.

Sometimes we heard that the age was a materialistic one, that we were altogether too much given over to pleasure and that we had become averse from honest effort, but memorials such as this showed that our young men were still prepared to sacrifice all for an ideal. The honour board he would dedicate to the glory of God and to the memory of those who had fallen. The service was conducted by the Rev. J. Alexander and the occasional sermon was preached by Captain-General Rentoul.
The Argus (Melbourne), 3 May 1920. 


Address:212 Sydney Road, Brunswick Uniting Church, Brunswick, 3056
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -37.772669
Long: 144.961339
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Honour Roll
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Sunday 2nd May, 1920
Source: MA, VWHI
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au