
Methodist Church Sunday School Roll of HonourPrint Page Print this page

The honour roll commemorates former and current students of the Methodist Church Sunday school who served in World War One.  

The honour roll draped with the Union Jack, was dedicated at the Sunday service on 31st March 1918 conducted by Reverend T Collins.  Reverend Collins read the fifty names on the roll and his address was taken from 2 Samuel 22: 23-28.

It is mounted on the east wall and was built by George Freeman, a member of the congregation. The carvings were probably done by his wife and complement the carving on the pulpit.  Wooden construction; carved decoration which complements the carved decorations on the communion rail and pulpit. The honour roll has gold lettering.

Note:- Information supplied by Daylesford Uniting Church


Address:Duke Street & Central Springs Road, Daylesford Uniting Church, Daylesford, 3460
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -37.344067
Long: 144.143856
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Honour Roll
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919
Designer:George Freeman (Daylesford, VIC)
Monument Manufacturer:George Freeman (Daylesford, VIC)


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Sunday 31st March, 1918
Front Inscription

For King and Country       

1914  Roll of Honour 1919

Past & present scholars of our Sunday School Methodist Church

L. Angwin    C. Barber        T. Dunhill         C. Mair
J. Mair          R. Kutcher     G. Anderson     R. Green
B. Peacock   A. Anderson   W. Buchanan   R. Verey
A. Anson       E. Buchanan  F. Guest           J. Boddinnar
E. Rowe        R. Warren      W. Boddinnar   H. Berriman
C. Pearce      J. Clogan       R. Densem      C. Freeman
J. Clayfield    S. Harvey       H. Trembath    R. Dickson
H. Lawry       F. Pretty           A. Hinchcliffe   W. Lawry
A. Pretty        L. Hinchcliffe   C. Reynolds     L. Quick
M. Hoath       H. Reynolds    G. Murphy       H. Sibbison
C. Kinsman   C. Sibbison      E. Leipold       C. Mellor
A. McBride    J. Borlace        W. Wardle       H. Pescott
A. Rodgers    H. Smith

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au