
Scotch College War Memorial HallPrint Page Print this page

The hall commemorates those from the college who died in service or were killed in action during World War One.

The foundation stone of the Main School development was laid on March 5, 1920, by Lieut. General Sir John Monash, GCMG, KCB, VD, MCE, using a very special commemorative trowel.

Lieut. General Sir John Monash had arrived back from the War in Melbourne with his wife on Christmas Day, 1919. Mrs Monash had been ill throughout the voyage and died on the 27th February 1920.  It was typical of the man that he would be at Scotch College one week later on 5 March, fulfilling a commitment to lay a foundation stone in the Memorial Hall, before a crowd of many hundreds of interested spectators. The Memorial Hall was dedicated on the 25th April 1922.

The hall contains a series of stained glass windows which were commissioned as a tribute to those who died in the war. Originally to be designed by William Montgomery, they were passed to the firm of Mathieson and Gibson after Montgomery's death and were unveiled by Lady Somers on Armistice Day 1930. 

About five years ago the council of the Scotch College purchased the Glen Estate at Hawthorn, containing over 60 acres of land, extending from Glenferrie on the east to the river Yarra on the west. The object of purchasing this estate was to remove the Scotch College from the site at East Melbourne to what was considered a more suitable and healthy neighbourhood. Soon after the purchase of the property the preparation school for boys under 13 years of age was erected. It has now been decided to remove the main school from East Melbourne to Hawthorn at the earliest possible date, and a contract has been entered into with Messrs. Swanson Bros., amounting to £50,000, for the erection of classrooms and a memorial hall. These will be erected on a comparatively level piece of ground between the east and west boundaries of the estate, where a cricket ground has already been formed, and a large playground is now in course of formation. The memorial hall, erected in memory of the old boys who fell in the war, will be capable of seating the students of both schools-about 1,000 altogether.  The buildings will be of brick, with tiled roof, and the architect, Mr. H. H. Kemp, expects that they will be ready for occupation in about l8 months. 
Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Thursday 11 December 1919.

As a memorial to former pupils of Scotch College who fell during the war, six stained glass windows erected in the apse of the Memorial Hall at Scotch College at an Armistice Day commemoration tomorrow morning by His Excellency the Acting Governor-General (Lord Somers).  The windows represent St. Andrew, St Martin, St George, King Arthur, Sir Galahad and St Michael.  At the base of the windows there are heraldic designs depicting the coats of arms of Scotch College, Scotland, Australia, and the Royal Family.  Above the windows the coats of arms of the Australian States are worked in stained glass. The work will which will cost £750 has been made possible by the Scotch College Dramatic Society under the direction of Mr V.R. Hill and the school orchestra. It is the intention of the society to later place an honour roll in the Memorial Hall.  The stained glass windows have been designed and executed by Messrs Mathieson and Gibson.
The Argus (Melbourne), 10 November 1930. 



Address:1 Morrison Street, Scotch College, Hawthorn, 3122
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -37.834511
Long: 145.029078
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Structure
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919
Designer:Mr. H. H. Kemp
Monument Manufacturer:Swanson Brothers


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Tuesday 25th April, 1922
Front Inscription

'Erected by the Old Boys in Honour of those who served in the War 1914-1919'

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au