
Sandhills Honour RollPrint Page Print this page

The honour roll commemorates those who undertook active service and those who served on the home front in World War One. Itwas originally unveiled in 1916 with additional names being added to the roll at a a later date. 

The response made by the young men of the country centred surrounding Bundaberg to the call of the Empire in her hour of peril has been most gratifying and in this connection the Sandhills district has been no exception to the loyalty displayed by the neighbourlng districts. Upwards of 30 young men who were educated at the little Sandhills school have placed their services at the disposal of King and Country and the ladies of the district decided that the names of those who were prepared to lay down their lives for them should be placed on record and to this end they instituted a canvass for funds with which to provide an Honor Board. Their efforts were attended with success and an order for a handsomely designed silky oak board was placed in the hands of Messrs C. Brown and Co., which firm executed the order to perfection and yesterday it was unveiled at the Sandhills School by Councillor H. A. Cattermill in the presence of a very large gathering of relatives, friends and other interested persons.
Bundaberg Mail and Burnett Advertiser (Qld), 19 August 1916.

The Arbor Day celebrations were successfully carried out under joyous weather conditions at the Sandhills State School yesterday. The little school, situated as it is on an isolated and insanitary site, has nevertheless turned out many bright scholars who have since taken up high positions in life. The school, which is now in charge of Mrs. Ballard, who has won the affection of the children and the esteem of the parents is noted throughout the district for its patriotism in the present great war. The handsome honor board recently unveiled, contained upwards of 30 past pupils of the school now fighting for King and Country and also the name of a nursing sister (Miss Farquhar). After refreshments a tree planting ceremony took place, when an ornamental tree was planted by Mr James See, and named the "Farquhar Tree" as a trlbute to the Farquhar Family who had done much for the school in former years  and it is worthy of mention, that six of the Farquhar boys and Sister Farquhar have their names on the honor roll in the school, as having gone forth to assist England and her Allies in their hour of need.
Bundaberg Mail and Burnett Advertiser (Qld), 21 September 1917.


Address:591 Bargara Road, Bargara State School, Bargara, 4670
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -24.823351
Long: 152.43931
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Honour Roll
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919
Designer:C. Brown & Company
Monument Manufacturer:C. Brown & Company


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Friday 18th August, 1916
Source: SKP,QWMR
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au