
St Mary`s Honour RollPrint Page Print this page

Photographs supplied by Arthur Garland

The wooden honour roll with gold and green lettering commemorates those connected with the church who served in World War One.

On Monday last a war shrine was unveiled and dedicated in St. Mary's Church, Triabunna. The church was full, and the beautiful memorial greatly admired by all. The service was conducted by the Rev. J. H. Wills, assisted by Mr. F. Mace.
Mercury (Hobart, Tas.), 5 November 1921.

Note: The “Tasmanian War Memorials Data Base”, compiled by Fred Thornett which is located at the State Library of Tasmania, contains a comprehensive listing of the names on this honour roll.


Address:Franklin Street, St Mary`s Church, Triabunna, 7190
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -42.506239
Long: 147.909415
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Honour Roll
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Monday 31st October, 1921
Front Inscription

Honour Roll
Great War 1914 - 1918

St Mary`s Church Triabunna

Fallen Soldiers
[ Names ]


Left Side Inscription
Returned Soldiers
[ Names ]
Right Side Inscription
Returned Soldiers
[ Names ]
Source: MA,SKP,TWM
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au