
Portland Municipality Honour RollPrint Page Print this page

Photographs supplied by Arthur Garland

The wooden honour roll commemorates those from Portland and Lilydale who died in service or were killed in action in World War One. It lists 49 names.

Facing the township, but with a background of mountain scenery, no place could be more restful for the patients, who come from all parts of the North-East Coast. The hospital, which is one of the finest country hospitals in the state, was erected in 1922 and cost £12,000, of which about £3000 was subscribed by the people of the North-East.

It is a fitting memorial to the fallen soldiers of the district, combining the quality of endurance, that will keep alive in future generations, the memory of a great sacrifice, with the more practical quality of general usefulness. The entrance lobby contains three blackwood honour rolls, inscribed with the names of the fallen soldiers of the Scottsdale, Ringarooma, Lilydale, and Portland municipalities.
Examiner (Launceston), 16th November 1929.

Note: The “Tasmanian War Memorials Data Base”, compiled by Fred Thornett which is located at the State Library of Tasmania, contains a comprehensive listing of the names on this honour roll.


Address:30 George Street, Scottsdale R.S.L. Club, Scottsdale, 7260
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -41.157135
Long: 147.516493
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Honour Roll
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Friday 17th December, 1920
Front Inscription

Portland Municipality 

Including portion of Lilydale

These have paid the supreme sacrifice

[ Names ]


Source: MA,SKP,TWM
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au