
Hutchins School Honour RollPrint Page Print this page

Photographs supplied by Arthur Garland

The honour roll commemorates former students from the Hutchins School, Christ`s College, Queens College, Kings Grammar School and Franklin House School who served in World War One.  

An honour board, bearing the names of 442 old boys of the Hutchins and affiliated schools who took part in the Great War, 71 of whom laid down their lives, was unveiled by General Sir John Gellibrand at the school yesterday afternoon. The board, beautifully carved by Mrs Payne, of Hobart, whose two sons were old boys of the school and did good war service, has been erected in the school gymnasium as a temporary expedient . It is the intention of the school authorities to add a memorial wing to the building when the time is opportune and the necessary funds are available, and this wing will contain a memorial hall in which the honour board eventually will find a permanent resting place.
The Mercury (Hobart), 12th October 1922.  

Note: The “Tasmanian War Memorials Data Base”, compiled by Fred Thornett which is located at the State Library of Tasmania, contains a comprehensive listing of the names on this honour roll.


Address:71 Nelson Road, Hutchins School, Sandy Bay, 7005
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -42.905955
Long: 147.329442
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Honour Roll
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919
Artist:Mrs C. A. Payne (Hobart, TAS)


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Wednesday 11th October, 1922
Front Inscription

Honour Roll   1914  1918  The Great War


Vivit Post Funera Virtus
In Memoriam 

[ Names]

To Old Boys of Hutchins School, Christs College, Queens College, Kings Grammar School, Franklin House School.  

Their name liveth for evermore.



Source: MA,TWM,SKP
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au