
Franklin State School Honour RollPrint Page Print this page

Photographs supplied by Arthur Garland

The wooden honour roll commemorates former pupils of the school who served in World War One.  It lists 81 names

This afternoon, the Honor Roll of the Franklin State school on which are inscribed the names of all former pupils of the school who enlisted for the Great War was unveiled by the Warden of Huon, Cr V. Skinner.

There was a very large attendance of parents, scholars and friends. Cr. D. E. Ryan, one of the members of the Franklin ward presided and other speakers were Rev. Stuart Williams and Rev. S. Roberts. As the Union Jack was withdrawn from the Honor Roll, which is a very handsome specimen of woodwork, the scholars sang 'Lest We Forget,' and Bandmaster W. Vincent played the Last Post. Subsequently the children sang very creditably a number of school songs under the conductorship of the headmaster, Mr. A. W. Howard. Prizes were awarded to a number of children for regular attendance during the year (five of them having attended every day during the past school year) good progress, conduct and general school work.
Huon Times (Franklin, Tas), 22 December 1925.

Note : the “Tasmanian War Memorials Data Base” , compiled by Fred Thornett which is located at the State Library of Tasmania, contains a comprehensive listing of the names on this honour roll.


Address:New Road, Franklin Primary School, Franklin, 7113
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -43.086042
Long: 147.012137
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Honour Roll
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Tuesday 22nd December, 1925
Front Inscription


1914  State School  1918

Boys who served in the Great War

[ Names ]

Greater love hath no man than this



Source: MA,SKP,TWM
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au