
Presbyterian Church Honour RollPrint Page Print this page

Photographs supplied by Maureen Aquila

The honour roll commemorates those connected with the church who died in service or were killed in action in World War One.

It is a white marble honour roll in a Grecian building style, at the top are the coloured flags of Australia and Britain within an embossed floral design. All other details are in black. The Presbyterian Church members gave the honour roll to the museum when the church in Emu Street was demolished for replacement.

On Monday, 29th ult. the unveiling of a handsome memorial tablet in marble took place at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wallaroo. The Rev. E. A. Davies presided over a large attendance and the following took part in the proceedings:— Prayer and reading 34th Psalm, Rev A. Kilbey, B.A.; solos, Rev T. P. Willisson and Mrs Buchanan; addresses, the chairman, the Rev E. W. Weymouth and Captain R. Gunter M.C. (on behalf of the R.S & S. League). Mr J. Lawson, of Wallaroo Town Band, sounded the Last Post. Mr J. D. Phillips (president of Wallaroo Branch of R. S. & S. League), in the absence of the mayor, unveiled the tablet.

The names of those on the tablet who had fallen in the great war are :— George Furner, John C. Hawkes, Charles H. Allen, and Douglas McLean, who for many years were members of the Sunday School. George Furner when he enlisted was secretary of the school and a member of the choir. Sergeant David Ballantyne and Pte. James H. McLellan, son of the Rev A.J. McLellan, of Hawthorn, were adherants of the church.
Yorke's Peninsula Advertiser (SA ), 9 September 1921.


Address:Emu Street, Wallaroo Heritage Museum, Wallaroo, 5556
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -33.929877
Long: 137.62669
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Honour Roll
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Monday 29th August, 1921
Front Inscription

1914    1919

Sacred to the memory of

Signaller. Charles H. Allan,     27th Batt.  Killed.  France,  20. July 1918
Sergeant. David Ballantyne,  18th     ..     ..         Gallipoli, 15. May 1915
Private. George Furner  ,       10th     ..     ..         France,  6. May 1917
   ..        John G. Hawkes,       27th    ..     ..             ..         2. Mch. 1917
   ..        James H. McLellan,   48th     ..     ..            ..        11. April 1917
   ..         Douglas McLean,     15th     ..     ..             ..        2. Feb. 1917

"Their name liveth for evermore."

Source: MA,RVWM
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au