
Grey Street State School Honour RollPrint Page Print this page

The honour roll commemorates former students of the school who served in World War One. 

A move was then made for the vestibule at the main entrance to the School, where a large white marble tablet is erected, bearing the inscription, "Erected in honor of the scholars who served in the Great War." The names of 166 soldiers follow, including 32 fallen, and several nurses. It is an excellent memorial, and the workmanship reflects great credit on our local monumental mason, Mr W. Bird, while it will be a lasting memento to the memory of the brave men who not only enlisted, but fought and died for the honor of the Empire. Captain Mackey, who performed the unveiling ceremony, said it was a great record for a small place like Traralgon, that so many had enlisted in the A.I.F.

Those men had gone through hardships and suffering in the trenches which was never known before, and it was wonderful how the human frame had stood it. The advance of science had made war more terrible than before, but the Australians had gone forth to make a name for Australia, and had done so by their gallant deeds. Captain Mackey referred to the battle of Amiens and the capture of the Hindenburg line, and said it was wonderful what the Australians had accomplished. They were better physically and had more initiative than the Germans.

The Honor Roll would serve to remind the children in the future of what the soldiers had done. He had much pleasure in unveiling the Honor Roll. The Chairman called upon Dr. H. Hagen to move a vote of thanks to the visitors, which was carried by acclamation. Song by scholars, 'The Bugles of England." The school children then marched past the Honor Roll, each squad halting in front of same for a few minutes, prior to proceeding to the front of the school to salute the flag. The scholars were drawn up in the form of a square around the flag pole, and at a given signal Keith Horne hoisted the Union Jack to the masthead. The flag was saluted, and the National Anthem sung. 
Traralgon Record (Traralgon, Vic), 27 May 192


Address:30 - 44 Grey Street, Grey Street Primary School, Traralgon, 3844
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -38.193035
Long: 146.537091
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Honour Roll
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919
Monument Manufacturer:Mr W. Bird


Approx. Monument Dedication Date:May-1921
Front Inscription

Erected in honor of the scholars who served in the Great War.

1914 – 1918

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Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au