
Toongabbie State School Roll of HonourPrint Page Print this page

Photographs supplied by Chris McLaughlin

The honour roll commemorates former students of the school who served in World War One. 

Last Friday, July 10th, the Hon. S. Barnes, Minister for Railways, unveiled two Honor Boards, one in the State School and the other, in the Mechanic Hall. Previous to the unveiling the School Committee entertained the Minister and Mr Betheras (Chief Assistant Inspector of the Education Department) at luncheon. The school hall was filled with children, parents and returned soldiers, Mr Ellissmith, J.P., Chairman of the School Committee, presided, and in asking Mr Barnes to unveil tbe Board, said that Toongabbie was proud of their school, of the number of the scholars who had done their duty to King and Country, and of the decorations they had won. He sympathised with those who had lost their boys, but they had given their lives for a glorious cause, and their sacrifice had not been in vain.

Mr Barnes, in unveiling the Honor Board, expressed his appreciation of the honor done him by the Committee in asking him to perform the ceremony. He exhorted the children to cherish the love of country, to live up to the example that the former scholars of the school had shown them, to cherish their memory and never sully the good name of their school. He then handed the board over to Mr Betheras, as representing the Education Department. Mr Betheras accepted the board on behalf of the Department, and handed same over to the Head Teacher, Mr Satchell, and the scholars of the school for safe keeping, He congratulated the school on the response of past members to the call of their country. The 70 names on the board would be an inspiration for all time. He then gave a most interesting account of State School activities during the war; how the scholars had collected all sorts of odd articles and sold for cash; their help to Red Cross and hospital requirements, but above all the State School fund. They had thought to collect £50,000, but had succeeded in obtaining the enormous total of £450,000. Before closing he congratulated the head teacher and school upon the work of the school, how they had recently obtained 4 scholarships and numerous merits. No other school of its size had approached them. 
Excerpt from Traralgon Record (Traralgon, Vic), 23 July 1920.


Address:King & Cowen Streets, Mechanics Institute Hall, Toongabbie, 3856
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -38.059166
Long: 146.622212
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Honour Roll
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 10th July, 1920
Front Inscription

Toongabbie 856 State School

1914  1918

Roll of Honour

[ Names ]

Died in active service

[ Names ]


Source: MA, VWHI
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au