
Ormond College Honour RollPrint Page Print this page

The honour roll commemorates those from Ormond College who died in service or were killed in action durng World War One.

Several beautifully designed brass tablets have been placed on the walls of Ormond College to commemorate the students who volunteered for active service during the war. The tablet in the dining hall vestibule, on which is recorded the names of 59 students who fell in action, was unveiled by Senator H. E. Elliott, president of the Old Ormond Students' Association, yesterday afternoon in the presence of a large number of scholars and relatives and friends. In the students common room a larger tablet, containing the names of the 1311 members (past and present) of Ormond College Students' Club who have enlisted for overseas service was afterwards unveiled by Sir John MacFarland (chancellor of the University).

He said their names would stand as an inspiration and example to future generations of students. Religious services were conducted by Rev. Dr. Rentoul and Rev. D. Macrae Stewart. In the studies formerly occupied by the students who gave their lives in the war small brass tablets engraved with their names have also been placed. The tablet's were executed by the firm of P. J. King, Melbourne. In honor of those students who became members of the Students' Club only after their return from active service it is the intention of those who subscribed to the Ormond memorial funds to erect another tablet in the common room.
Age (Melbourne), 27 November 1922.


Address:49 College Crescent, Melbourne University, Ormond College, Parkville, 3052
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -37.793072
Long: 144.959295
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Honour Roll
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919
Monument Manufacturer:P.J. King (Melbourne, VIC)


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Sunday 26th November, 1922
Front Inscription

1914   These Ormond men gave their lives  1918.

[ Names ]


Source: MA,SKP, VWHI
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au