
Women`s Memorial FountainPrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Peter Williams

The fountain, established by mothers and wives, is dedicated to the "place of farewell" for World War One soldiers. Mrs Simons of Kensington, who lost two sons in World War One was the first person to drink at the fountain.

The fountain was resited to its present position during the construction of the Sydney Fleet Base in 1988. 

Dr. Mary Booth writes:—Many a mother and wife has a vivid memory of the last sight of her soldier as he passed through the No. 1 gates of Woolloomooloo Wharf to embark for the great war. Every ANZAC Day devoted women have placed flowers on these gates, and taken part in a beautiful service arranged by the Centre for Soldiers' Wives and Mothers. This year an impressive and touching ceremony was held, when the Archbishop of Sydney, assisted by the clergy of other denominations, dedicated a site for a memorial fountain in the presence of their Excellencies the Governor-General and Lady Forster, and Dame Margaret Davidson and a large congregation of people.

The design for the fountain has been made by Messrs. Budden and Greenwell, and will consist of a slab of dark green trachyte recessed into the rocky cliff and flanked by sandstone columns. The inscription will read: "To commemorate the place of farewell to the Soldiers who passed through the Gates opposite for the Great War, 1914-1919." The cost will be approximately £400, which it is hoped to raise by a large number of small voluntary subscriptions.

Dame Margaret Davidson is president of the Memorial Fund, Miss E. B. Booth hon. secretary, and Miss Brenda Mitchell hon. treasurer, and will be glad to received donations addressed to The Centre for Soldiers' Wives and Mothers, 426 George Street, Sydney.
Land (Sydney, NSW), 1 July 1921.

In a letter to the Editor, Dr. Mary Booth, referring to the approaching eighth anniversary of the departure of the first Australian contingent for the great war, writes that last Anzac Day a memorial fountain was unveiled by their Excellencies thw Governor-General and Lady Forster, at the Woolloomooloo Wharf gates, which was subscribed for by the women of the State and distant parts of Queensland and Victoria, Dr. Booth states that there remains a debt of approximately £100 on the memorial, and it is the desire of the committee that this season should not pass without seeing the debt paid. Contributions should be sent to Miss E. B. Booth, hon, secretary, or Miss Brenda Mitchell, hon. treasurer. Soldiers' Club, George-street, Sydney.
Sydney Morning Herald (NSW),  31 October 1922.


Address:Cowper Wharf Road, Wharf side of road, Potts Point, 2011
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -33.866105
Long: 151.223847
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Fountain
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919
Designer:H. Budden & C. Greenwell


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Tuesday 25th April, 1922
Front Inscription

To commemorate the place of farewell to the soldiers who passed through the gates opposite for the Great War 1914 - 1919

Erected by the women of NSW under the auspices of the Centre for Soldiers Wives and Mothers

Plaque :

This memorial was resited from a position 30 metres east during the construction of the Sydney Fleet Base in 1988


Source: SKP, NRWM, MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au