
Monkerai Honour RollPrint Page Print this page

The honour roll commemorates those from the district who served in World War One.

Monkerai (From a correspondent) 
Saturday, 8th instant, is a day that will doubtless live long in the memory of a great number of the residents of this little centre. Some time ago a movement was initiated to honor those of this locality who in obedience to their country's call served during the Great War, and with that object in view it was decided to place an Honor Roll in the School of Arts. Our little village had been allotted a heavy German machine gun which had been captured by the 13th Battalion shortly before the armistice, and the School of Arts was considered the most suitable place in which to house the trophy. The 8th instant, the date chosen to have a public ceremony in connection with the unveiling of the Roll and the handing over of the trophy. 

The ceremony commenced with the singing of the National Anthem. Mr H. J. Hancock, whose two sons served in the war, and one of whom was killed in action, was called upon to unveil the Honor Roll. A brief period of silence was observed after the unveiling, after which the first verse of the hymn Son of My Soul was sung. The chairman then read out the nine names on the Honor Roll.  The Honor Roll, which is made of wood, is the work of Mr E. V. Woodman and reflects much credit on this workmanship, and the same applies to the lettering, which was done by Mr A. P. Coutts.
Dungog Chronicle : Durham and Gloucester Advertiser (NSW), 
18 October 1921.


Address:Moores Road, Monkerai School of Arts Hall, Monkerai, 2415
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -32.259688
Long: 151.848624
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Honour Roll
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919
Designer:Mr E .V. Woodman (Roll)
Artist:Mr A. P. Coutts (Lettering)


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 8th October, 1921
Source: NRWM, MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au