
Mologa Hay BalesPrint Page Print this page

Ten hay bale soldiers commemorate local men who died in service or were killed in action during World War One. The memorial is also in memory of farmer Allan Leed who died in a farm accident in 2019. The hay bales are located on the Leed property and were designed by Denise Leed and completed with the help of locals. 

Ten hay bale soldiers stand to attention at the turn-off to Mologa on the Bendigo - Pyramid Hill Rd. They are a timely Anzac Day tribute to the local men who sacrificed their lives in the Great War, marking the centenary of the town’s first war memorial.

The newest Mologa memorial was put together by the community to honour both the Diggers and the memory of local farmer Allan Leed who lost his life in a farm accident last year.

“It was from Allan’s inspiration that we did it, he had the plan a couple of years ago and we built on that as a community, in his legacy,” Mologa and District Landcare Group president Bill Boyd said.

The Landcare Group worked with Allan’s family and neighbours to create the art installation, which is modelled on the 10 men from the area that went to WWI and never came home, down to their eye colour, medals and battalion patches.

This year’s service would have celebrated 100 years of the Mologa war monument, with the launch of a history book and descendants of local soldiers invited to attend, but that has been put on hold until next year.

Though coronavirus restrictions will put a stop to the community’s usual ways of commemorating Anzac Day this year, Mr Boyd encouraged people driving past the tribute to pay their respects in their own way.

“Seeing as we’re not allowed to have a crowd this year, we’ll remember them quietly,” he said.
The Weekly Times (VIC), 22 April 2020. 


Address:Bendigo-Pyramid Road& Mologa- Durham Ox Road, Mologa, 3575
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -36.155275
Long: 144.131623
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Art
Monument Theme:Conflict
Designer:Denise Leed
Artist:Denise Leed


Approx. Monument Dedication Date:2020
Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au