
Wall of RemembrancePrint Page Print this page

The wall commemorates the centenary of the ANZAC landings in April 1915 at Gallipoli in Turkey, during World War One.

The wall includes bronze plaques for the more than 77,000 ANZAC combatants and women who died in service or were killed in action for Australia and New Zealand in World War One.

The Armistice Committee of Coffin Bay will conclude its 100 Years of Anzac – The Spirit Lives 2014-2018 project on Remembrance Day, with the unveiling of a new Wall of Remembrance near Gallipoli Beach.

The committee presented four events, one for each Anzac Day between 2015 and 2018, starting with the commemoration of the 1915 Anzac landing at Gallipoli in Turkey at Gallipoli Beach near Farm Beach. 

Committee member Lee Clayton said as a tribute to the history of World War I and to the people of Australia, the committee would unveil and dedicate the wall, located at the Gallipoli Beach turnoff on the Farm Beach Road junction. He said the wall included bronze plaques for the more than 77,000 Anzac combatants and women who died for Australia and New Zealand in the “Great War”.

“We recognise the Aboriginal men and women who also died on the battlegrounds and the families on the home front who suffered the grief and the tragedy of family and friends who did not return, and those who suffered wounds and debilitation for years after,” he said.

The Remembrance Day event will be held at the turnoff on Sunday, beginning at 10.30am in time for the 11am ceremony and unveiling of the wall and finishing with an open house barbecue.

The committee is welcoming all those who supported the project, as well as all who wish to attend.
Port Lincoln Times (SA), 6 November 2018.


Address:Farm Beach Road & Gallipoli Beach Turnoff, Farm Beach, 5607
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -34.495592
Long: 135.396303
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Structure
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:25-April-1915
Actual Event End Date:25-April-2015


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Sunday 11th November, 2018
Front Inscription
100 Years of ANZAC
Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au