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Kellyville Honour Roll Print Page
The marble honour roll commemorates those from the district who served in World War One. The roll was originally located in the Kellyville Memorial Hall.
Honour Roll Unveiled at Kellyville.
A large number of residents assembled in the Soldiers' Memorial Hall, to witness the unveiling of the honor roll. The president, Mr. H. Shonk, made a brief speech, and apologised for the absence of Mr. Bruce Walker, M.L.A., Rev. Knox, Major Shand (who was to have performed the unveiling), Mr. Howden, Major General Ryrie, and Father MacNamara. It was decided by the committee to ask Mrs. P. Rocks to unvell the honor roll: this she kindly consented to do. Mrs. Rocks had three sons serving at the front, and all were fortunate enough to return home safely.
Mr. Rocks then made a touching speech, in which he referred to the splendid manner in which the young men of the district had responded to the nation`s call to arms. Miss Myra Bennett sang "Land of Hope and Glory," and Misses Joan Dickie and Doris Bennett recited "Anzac." Master Clem and Miss Marjorie Pike also contributed vocal items. The honor roll is a beautiful piece of work, done in marble on a maple background, and contains the names of thirty seven (sic) men who went from the district. Afternoon tea was served to about 60 persons. In the evening, a dance and euchre party was held, at which a large numbers were present.
Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate (Parramatta, NSW),
4 May 1926.
Address: | 35a Windsor Road, Kellyville Public School, Kellyville, 2155 |
State: | NSW |
Area: | AUS |
GPS Coordinates: | Lat: -33.711916 Long: 150.957274 Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate. |
Monument Type: | Honour Roll |
Monument Theme: | Conflict |
Sub-Theme: | WW1 |
Actual Event Start Date: | 04-August-1914 |
Actual Event End Date: | 28-June-1919 |
Link: | http://www.warmemorialsregister.nsw… |
Approx. Monument Dedication Date: | May-1926 |
Honour Roll
[ Names ]