
Mandurang South State School Honour RollPrint Page Print this page

Photographs supplied by Tim Fitzgerald

The wooden honour roll commemorates former students and those from the District who served in World War One.

The roll was originally unveiled in 1916 with additional names being added at a later date. 

The day of days was commemorated on Thursday last at the Mandurang South State School. In the morning, the ordinary programme was carried out. In the afternoon the school was gaily decorated with the Allies' flags, and the deeper and truer spirit of patriotism manifested itself. The children were assembled together with a large number of their parents and ANZAC Day was truly commemorated. Mr. M. Monro occupied the chair, and a suitable programme was carried out. The children rendered "Le Marseillaise," the Russian hymn and Kipling's "Recessional." Master Willie Hayes, with a chorus from the children sang "The Salute"; Miss Nellie Harper fittingly recited "The Fall of D'Assas," and Mr. Monro sang "It's Just Like Bein` at Home."

Mr. Harrison, in a patriotic address, explained the meaning of ANZAC Day, and showed that everyone should help the brave men whose sacrifice for us has determined our safety. Mr. Dower (the head teacher) delivered a lecturette on the war and its causes. He showed that ANZAC Day was the day Australians should be proud of. Only in one instance have we had an equal to the mad rush across the beach, the successful charge up the cliffs of ANZAC Cove, and the occupation of three miles of trenches, in the world's history, viz., the occupation of the heights of Quebec by Wolfe. Six thousand of our bravest men remain on the shores of Gallipoli — but not "in vain." Mr. Dower showed that £50,000 had been raised by the Victorian schools and that this, had been beneficially expended on the French Belgian and Australian Red Cross societies. At the conclusion, a beautiful honor roll comprising some 20 names was unveiled. Some of these were from the school, whilst the remainder were from the Mandurang South district. After the unveiling two minutes' silence was observed, in reverence to our men, all standing.  Following this the flag was saluted in the playground, and the National Anthem followed by "God Bless Our Splendid Men" were rendered. Afternoon tea was provided by the committee on the ground.
Bendigo Independent (Vic.), 25 April 1916.



Address:Hannans Road, Mandurang Tennis - Pony Club, Mandurang South Recreation Reserve, Mandurang, 3551
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -36.846262
Long: 144.276414
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Honour Roll
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Thursday 20th April, 1916
Front Inscription


Mandurang South

For King & Country


[ Names ]

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au