
Men of Colo Vale Honour RollPrint Page Print this page

The Honour Roll commemorates ex-pupils and teachers from the school and those from the district who served in World War One. 

Quite a record crowd assembled at the Colo Vale Public School on Friday, 26th October, for the purpose of participating in the ceremony of unveiling the district honour roll. Mr. D. Cahill, head teacher, delivered an address appropriate to the occasion. He regarded the large and representative gathering as further evidence ot the strong civic and patriotic spirit existing in the community. The unveiling of the honour roll was an important event in local history and emphasised in a tangible way the connection between that little corner of N.S.W. and the great world-wide Empire to which they belonged, and also the fact that the fighting spirit was alive there. The achievements of the Australian soldiers in the great world conflict made a special appeal to their national pride, and would be handed down as a glorious and inspiring tradition to future generations of young Australians. After making reference to those who have made the supreme sacrifice, and expressing sympathy with those who had been bereft of loved ones, Mr. Cahill expressed the hope that the honour roll would long remain as an inspiration to others, and also be an eloquent witness of the fact that when the great call came to Australia's manhood, this remote corner of the Empire gladly sent forth its sons to take their places beside Britain and her great allies in the conflict they are waging in the sacred cause of civilization and human liberty. Messrs. Little (Colo Vale) and Griffiths (Balaclava) also delivered brief addresses.

As a silent mark of sympathy for Mr. Blatch and family, for whom sad news from the front arrived during that week, as also for those others who had suffered similar bereavement, Mr. Cahill asked all present to stand for a moment. Mrs. McFarlane, who has contributed four sons to the fighting forces, then unveiled the honour roll, which is of polished rosewood, with handsome scroll work on top. The lettering is in gold, and the board contains 38 names, having the names of teachers and ex pupils of the school in a separate column. It is a handsome and artistic piece of work, and reflects credit on the firm of Beale and Co. During the afternoon the school pupils rendered several patriotic songs very nicely, and after cheers had been given for the boys at the front, the King, Empire, and the parents of the local heroes, all joined in the National Anthem. An adjournment was then made to the school ground, where afternoon tea and light refreshments were dispensed by the ladies of the honour roll committee. 
Southern Mail (Bowral, NSW ), 2 November 1917.


Address:83-91 Wattle Street, Colo Vale Public School, Colo Vale, 2575
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -34.400967
Long: 150.476193
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Honour Roll
Monument Theme:Conflict
Designer:Beale & Co.


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Friday 26th October, 1917
Front Inscription
Who Served Their Country in the Great War

Ex-pupils and teachers of            [Names]
Colo Vale Public School
Source: MA,NRWM
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au