
Clunes Methodist Circuit Honour RollPrint Page Print this page

The Honour Roll commemorates those connected with the Methodist Church who served in World War One. 

Our Church's ''Welcome Home' ' was the big function we hoped it to be. Clunes has seen many good events, but never before has anything been equal to the thanksgiving service on Sunday, April 11. The Coronation Hall proved far too small to hold the congregation. The service was conducted by the Revs. M. Walker and R.J. Thomas, the latter being the preacher for the occasion. The Rev. R. J. Thomas preached a very touching sermon from the text in Psalm 100:4. Everybody left the service feeling it was indeed a time never to be forgotten in the history of Clunes.

Monday following, Providence again smiled upon us with a beautiful clear day. At 12 o'clock the hall had quite a changed appearance from the previous day. Three long tables reaching up the building, decorated with flowers in the most finished touch by artistic ladies, and laden with edibles of the best quality, were readily filled with the good friends, who again came from all parts of the circuit to pay honour to our "Diggers." The centre table, was reserved for the "Diggers" and their relatives. The great crowd of people were soon handled in splendid style by our ladies in change.  At 2 o'clock all found their way to the church ground. Here the honour roll was erected outside the church, that the people might witness the unveiling. On the platform were Revs. E. E. Hynes (Chairman of the North Coast District), M. Walker, and R. J. Thomas. Mr. Walker presided, and after brief remarks, called upon the Rev. R. J. Thomas to unveil the honour roll of 47 names. On rising, Mr. Thomas said: "To the glory of the Triune God, and in memory of the brave men, living and dead, whose names are here inscribed, I, on behalf of the minister, the officials and congregations of the Clunes Methodist Circuit, reverently unveil this honour roll, " then gracefully drew the Union Jack aside, unveiling the names. Immediately all joined in the National Anthem. Mr. Thomas then delivered a very fine address. The Rev. E. E. Hynes also spoke in his usual forceful manner. Rev. F. I Eveleigh (C. of E.) congratulated the church on its fine celebrations. The Rev. I H. Whalan then closed with prayer, thus closing the greatest event in the history of our church in the Clunes Circuit.
Methodist (Sydney), 22 May 1920.


Address:25 Walker Street, Clunes Uniting Church, Clunes, 2480
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -28.726583
Long: 153.407626
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Honour Roll
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Monday 12th April, 1920
Front Inscription

Methodist Church of Australasia
Clunes Circuit
War Declared Aug 4th 1914
Peace Proclaimed June 29th 1919



Source: NRWM, MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au