
North Geelong State School Honour RollPrint Page Print this page

Photographs supplied by Herne Hill Primary School

The wooden honour roll commemorates former pupils who served in World War One.

The North Geelong State School was located at the corner of Bay Street and Melbourne Road, North Geelong and closed in 1996, with the students and staff being distributed to the nearby schools. The building is now private apartments.

This honour roll was recently located in a storage locker at Herne Hill Primary School.  The school will be receiving funding to have the honour roll restored. 

There was a large attendance of civilians, parents and members of the school committee yesterday afternoon at the North Geelong State School, when the Honor Board containing the names of the soldiers who were formerly scholars of the school, was unveiled. Rev. J. Peterson stated that the Honor Board had been partly constructed by boy pupils. It would be placed in the main entrance hall of the building as a slight tribute to the brave men who had fought. Senator J. F. Guthrie said it gave him great pleasure to attend such an impressive function. Empire Day was being celebrated far and wide. That day it was also the birthday of the late Queen Victoria. Scholars should remember this, as Queen Victoria was the mother of the late King Edward VII the Peacemaker, and great grandmother of our present lovable Prince Edward of Wales. The Union Jack was the best flag in the world. It stood for liberty, justice and humanity. It was the emblem of loyalty and righteousness. Scholars should revere the troops who fought for the Commonwealth. The Senator denounced the disloyalists and stated the latter could easily obtain passports for elsewhere if they were dissastified with Commonwealth rule. Captain Morley, M.L.A., was given an enthusiastic reception. He said the British flag was hated by the Bolsheviks who were trying to create disloyalty in the land. They hated the flag because of its grandeur, its omnipotence, and justice. The Honor Roll was then unveiled. It contained the names of 35 men. At the instance of Captain Morlcy, the assemblage stood in silence while he read out the names of E. W. Abley, J. A. Keid, and J. Denham. These three soldiers fell in battle. A most impressive afternoon was then brought to a close. At the invitation of the head teacher, parents and friends inspected the school premises.
Geelong Advertiser (Vic.), 25 May 1921.


Address:2 - 24 Gwynne Street, Herne Hill Primary School, Hamlyn Heights, 3218
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -38.129349
Long: 144.332407
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Honour Roll
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Tuesday 24th May, 1921
Front Inscription

1914  European War.  1919.
        HONOR ROLL.

           [ Names ]

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au