
Hindmarsh Valley Roll of HonourPrint Page Print this page

Photographs supplied by Bryan Cole

The wooden honour roll commemorates former students of Hindmarsh Valley who served in World War One.

Last Friday evening the Head Mistress of the Hindmarsh Valley school organized a highly success entertainment by the school children. The Port Elliot and Victor Harbor people each sent a drag load of visitors. Besides the contributions of a few adults (notable among which was a magnificently tendered solo by Mrs. S. Rumbelow) the children themselves gave a highly creditable rendering of about thirty items, grave and gay, including songs, action songs, dialogues, solos recitations, and concerted pieces.

The Rev. A. C. Stevens. B.A., who presided, had a heavy share in the evening’s entertainment as the work fell upon his shoulders of crowning the queen, as well as that of unveiling the Roll of Honor. Miss Doris Kenny (queen of the Navy) made a dainty little queen, attended by three other maids, who between them collected over £4 mostly in pennies. The Roll of Honor is a handsome piece of work, prepared by Messrs Lykke and Co, surmounted by the Imperial flags, and reflecting credit upon the local residents in the thoughtful remembrance of their heroes.  A supper followed which could only be described in the common parlance as umptious. and dancing then supervened until a late hour. One and all were unanimous in ascribing praise to Miss Bambrick for a magnificent and long to be remembered evening. 
Victor Harbor Times and Encounter Bay and Lower Murray Pilot (SA), 2 August 1918.


Address:Hindmarsh Tiers Road, Hindmarsh Valley School, Hindmarsh Valley, 5211
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -35.497347
Long: 138.625971
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Honour Roll
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919
Monument Manufacturer:Lykke & Company (Wakefield Street, Adelaide,SA)


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Friday 26th July, 1918
Front Inscription

Hindmarsh Valley

Roll of Honour



Military Service List

Old Scholars who have fought for their King & Country

[ Names ]  

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au