
Wynarka Roll of HonourPrint Page Print this page

Photographs supplied by Arthur Garland

The wooden roll of honour commemorates those from Wynarka who served in World War One.

On the occasion of the opening of the new hall at Wynarka on Thursday, beautiful weather was enjoyed by an exceptionally large gathering of residents and visitors from Adelaide, Karoonda, Nunkeri, Naturi, Chapman's Bore, Bowhill, and other districts. The ceremony took place in the evening when the hall, which was tastefully decorated, was packed. Mr. Andrew Hood presided, and Messrs. McMillan and McIntosh M.P., were present. The chairman stated that the cost of the hall was approximately £650, of which £230 had already been subscribed. He expressed his confidence that the remaining debt of £420 would soon be paid off. (Applause.)

He asked Mr. McMillan to open the hall. Mr. McMillan, said he appreciated very much the honor done him. He mentioned that he had noticed that mallee centres all along the line were progressing, and Wynarka was not behind the times. The hall was a monument of progress. It pleased him to see that the first mural decoration was the Roll of Honor, and that in their proud moments the residents had not forgotten those who had made the supreme sacrifice in the Great War. Mr. McMillan declared the building open.
Chronicle (Adelaide), 21 July 1923.


Address:Peake Street, Karoonda Institute, Karoonda, 5307
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -35.093389
Long: 139.895583
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Honour Roll
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Thursday 19th July, 1923
Front Inscription



[ Names ]

1914  1919


Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au