
Perry Bridge Roll of HonourPrint Page Print this page

Photographs supplied by Andrea Bush

The wooden honour roll commemorates those who served in World War One.

Perry Bridge. Unveiling of Honor Board.
The unveiling of the School District Honor Board took place on Thursday, Mr. J. W. McLachlan, M.L.A., and Mr A. Mathieson, of Sale, being present. Mr. Kenyon occupied the chair. In unveiling the Honor Board, Mr. Mathieson referred to the great sacrifice that Australia's sons made in the war. He dwelt on their courage and valor on the field of battle, and described their fine fighting powers as being the inheritance of the spirit of their forefathers, who had invaded Australia less than a century ago to well and truly lay the foundation of a great Britain beyond the seas.

He trusted that the rising generation would live up to the standard set by their elder brothers, who were prepared to give up life itself that this Empire and all that was best in it should be retained. Mr. McLachlan, M.L.A., said that they were celebrating Empire Day throughout all the schools, and the message that the King had sent to them was to practice the deeds that won the Empire-the deeds of love, of kindness, of truth, and obedience. These were the deeds that made for the higher citizenship and at which the schools of Australia aimed.

Cr. Dawson paid a tribute to the sacrifice that Australia uncomplainingly made to maintain the freedom and liberty of the race. The chairman said he was pleased to preside on an historic occasion of this kind. The district of Perry Bridge, as the honor board showed, had played its noble part in the Great War, and nine of those who went from the district died to save their country. The singing of the National Anthem brought the proceedings to a close.
Gippsland Times (Vic), 28 May 1923. 


Address:Lindenow - Meerlieu Road, Meerlieu Hall, Meerlieu, 3862
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -38.000412
Long: 147.389105
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Honour Roll
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Thursday 24th May, 1923
Front Inscription

Roll of Honor
1914.  1919.

Pro 1923 Patria  

In honor of those who served the Empire in the Great War of Nations.

[ Names ]

For King & Country.

Perry Bridge


Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au