
Warrion Roll of HonourPrint Page Print this page

Photographs supplied by Dawn Missen, Colac & District Historical Society

The honour roll commemorates those who served in World War One.  It was originally unveiled in 1915 with additional names being added at later dates. The names on the roll are handwritten. 

WARRION. UNVEILING AN HONOR ROLL. A very enthusiastic meeting was held in the Warrion Public Hall on Friday evening, which was organised by the Warrion Patriotic Committee for the purpose of raising money to enable the local Red Cross Society to purchase material for the making of garments for the comfort of the Australian soldiers in hospitals or in the trenches. The hall was prettily decorated with flags of the Allies, recruiting posters and wattle blossom, whilst over the platform was erected an Honor Roll surmounted by a large Union Jack.

Cr. Meredith, president of the Colac Shire Council, who presided, referred in his opening remarks to the object of the meeting. He regretted the absence of Mr A. Mackay, who had taken a keen interest in the Patriotic movement at Warrion, and who had sustained a family bereavement. He was indeed pleased to see that Warrion had not been lacking in the volunteer movement. The Honour Roll contained twenty-five names, two of which were his own sons. These young men had gone out for their King and Country. It would be hung in the Public Hall, there to remain, and would always be an honor from the district to which they came. 
Excerpt from The Colac Herald (Vic), 26 July 1915.


Address:Coragulac - Beeac Road, Warrion Public Hall, Warrion, 3249
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -38.222169
Long: 143.572146
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Honour Roll
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Friday 23rd July, 1915
Front Inscription

Warrion  1914 - 15

Roll of Honour

For King & Country.

[ Names ]


Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au