
Centenary of ANZAC Landings at GallipoliPrint Page Print this page

The garden commemorates the centenary of the ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) landings at Gallipoli in Turkey in April 1915 and those who served in World War One. The garden features a wooden sculpture of a soldier.  

Funding of $7968 was received through the ANZAC Centenary Grants Program.

On 25 April 1915 Australian and New Zealand soldiers landed at what is now called Anzac Cove on the Gallipoli Peninsula.

For the vast majority of the 16,000 Australians and New Zealanders who landed on that first day, this was their first experience of combat. By that evening, 2000 of them had been killed or wounded.

The Gallipoli campaign was a military failure. However, the traits that were shown there – bravery, ingenuity, endurance and mateship – have become enshrined as defining aspects of the Australian character.



Address:313A Pakington Street, Chilwell Primary School , Newtown, 3220
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -38.154976
Long: 144.345506
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Garden
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:25-April-1915
Actual Event End Date:25-April-2015


Approx. Monument Dedication Date:2015-2016
Source: DVA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au