
Forth Congregational Sunday School Roll of HonourPrint Page Print this page

Photographs supplied by Arthur Garland
The wooden Roll of Honour commemorates those from the Forth Congregational Sunday School who served in World War One.

There was a large attendance at the Forth Congregational Church on Sunday night on the occasion of the unveiling of an honor roll. The board is of Gothic 4ft. 6in by 2ft., and made of blackwood, beautifully polished, with gold borders and engravings. The inscription and the names are as follows:— This roll of honor was placed in this church, by public subscription, on November 12,(sic) 1917, in appreciation of the boys of the Forth Congregational Sunday School, who served in the Great European War, 1914-17. Capt. R. E. Smith (wounded) ; Sergeant J. Vertigan (killed): Privates W. A. Dawson (wounded): S. L. Filleul, P. C. Filleul, R. A. Gardiner, J. W. Gardiner, C. Jordan, J. M. Parker A. C. Vertigan, L. Wellard. W. D. Little, C. L. Elliott (killed); W. R. Riggs (killed); A. C. Riggs (killed); H. Dudfield (wounded); E. R. Hays, H. S. Mulligan, E. J. Onions, G. K. Smith (wounded); E. Tilley, C. Davies, T. Gibson.

The pastor, the Rev. William Dawson, made feeling reference to the heroic spirit that had moved so many to offer their services in the defence of the Empire, and was glad to associate with a people who had displayed so much patriotism during the past 3 years. On behalf of the congregation He asked Mrs. J. Filleul, one of the oldest and most devoted members of the church to unveil the board. After Mrs. Filleul had removed the Union Jack the congregation stood and sang "God Bless Our Splendid Men." The service was very impressive, and its memories will abide with many of the congregation.  Mr. Dawson preached a special sermon on the subject, "Abroad And At Home '' taking for his text the words from Lam. 1-20.  "Abroad the sword bereaveth, at home there is as death." Miss Gladys Filleul presided at the organ, and during the evening rendered the solo, "He Wipes the Tear."
North Western Advocate and the Emu Bay Times (Tas.),
21 November 1917.


Address:680 Forth Road, Forth Hall, Forth, 7310
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -41.189171
Long: 146.248595
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Honour Roll
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Sunday 18th November, 1917
Front Inscription


Roll of Honour

This Roll of Honour was placed in this Church by public subscription on Nov 18 1917

In appreciation of the boys of the Forth Congregational Sunday School who served in the Great European War 1914.

[ Names ]


Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au