
Lamp of RemembrancePrint Page Print this page

Plaque Inscription: 06-November-2014
Plaque Inscription: 06-November-2014
Photographs supplied by Russell Byers
The sanctuary lamp commemorates those who died in service or were killed in action during World War One. The plaque was placed in the church on ANZAC Day 1929. 

ANZAC Day was observed with due solemnity in Muswellbrook on Wednesday last. Hundreds of people attended the special service at St. Alban's Church, where the Lamp of Remembrance, presented by the Muswellbrook Soldiers' Club, was installed in the Soldiers.' Chapel. Following the ceremonies at St. Alban's Church, a  United Commemoration Service, organised by the Soldiers' Club, was held at the Memorial in the presence of a large number of people. 

At the Soldiers' Chapel the wreath was taken by the Rector, who blessed and placed it on the altar below the shining cross and glowing candles; then came the solemn Act of Dedication. The Faculty was read by Colonel D. Cameron, D.S.O. The sanctuary lamp was solemnly dedicated by the Rector, then came the tense moment when the little light was kindled-the light that will burn when we are dust-by Mr. T. E. Whitton, and who more fitted for that great honour than he, who helped to light the flare of glory that has irradiated the whole history of Australia, and who daily keeps it kindled by his life which is an inspiration and a pride to every one of us. The cross-bearer then presented the cross for dedication given by the people in loving and faithful memory. The people afterwards stood silent, thanking God for the brave and faithful dead, till the soft notes of the organ, the strains of the vocal quartette came, adding to the pageant of light and beauty, thought and feeling, the tribute of music, each with their memories and the mystic presence of those they honored. 
Muswellbrook Chronicle (NSW), 27 April 1928.

The season of ANZAC, drawing close once more, calls forth memories which deepen as the years wring their course onward, and the approaching observance of the day will lose nothing in its solemnity and sincerity. The Muswellbrook sub-branch of the R.S. and S.I.L.A. always keep as its highest ideal the cherished memory of fallen comrades, and on Anzac Day next the president of the branch (Sergt. R. Gillett) will unveil a beautiful mural tablet in St. Alban's Church, Muswellbrook, commemorating the placing in the sanctuary of a Perpetual Light, which was done last year, and we believe we are right in stating that the gift of the light is unique in the annals of the R.S. League movement in this State. The memorial tablet to be unveiled is of simple design, but has been most gracefully executed, and will form a permanent record of a noteworthy memorial. 
Muswellbrook Chronicle (NSW), 23 April 1929.


Address:Hunter Terrace & Brook Street, St Alban`s Anglican Church, Muswellbrook, 2333
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -32.262579
Long: 150.886895
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Religious Object
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Wednesday 25th April, 1928
Front Inscription

Plaque :

To the glory of God

And in memory of their fallen comrades the lamp in this Sanctuary was installed by the Muswellbrook Sub - Branch of the R.S.S.I.L.A.

ANZAC Day, 1928

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au