
Wallaroo Roll of HonourPrint Page Print this page

Photographs supplied by Wanita Gregory

The wooden honour roll commemorates those who served in World War One.

After some delay the Wallaroo Roll of Honor has been completed, and there is no doubt that that it was well worth waiting for. There can be but one opinion regarding it, and that is, that it is handsome and eminently fitting the purpose for which it was designed and made. The roll is made of polished cedar, has twenty panels, each of which will bear seven names, and the workmanship reflects the greatest credit upon the makers, Messrs Chandler & Co., and Cr W. C. Hotten, who supervised the construction. The body of the Roll of Honor is surmounted by a broad, arched panel, upon which appears the Australian Coat of Arms, flanked by the familiar emu and kangaroo. The escutcheon itself rests upon the national flower, the wattle, and is encircled by a laurel wreath.

The Union Jack and the Australian flag are at either side. Above it are the words, " For King and Empire," and below appears " Wallaroo Roll of Honor." The design is original, and splendidly executed by Miss Annie May, of whose artistic ability Wallaroo may well be proud. Right through it is an excellent piece of workmanship, and the best we have yet seen anywhere. There is room for 140 names, and 83 have already been inscribed in golden lettering upon the rich brown background of cedar. Doubtlessly the remaining space will soon be filled with the names, of other young men who will go forth to battle for King and Country. The unveiling ceremony will take place shortly, and the Roll of Honor will probably be hung in the main body of the town hall. 
Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA), 30 October 1915.


Address:Irwin Street, Wallaroo Town Hall, Wallaroo, 5556
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -33.932844
Long: 137.627505
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Honour Roll
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919
Designer:Miss Annie May (Wallaroo, SA)
Monument Manufacturer:Chandler & Company


Approx. Monument Dedication Date:1915
Front Inscription

For King and Empire

Wallaroo Roll of Honor

[ Names ]

Source: RVWM, MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au