
Vietnam War MemorialPrint Page Print this page

The sandstone memorial commemorates those who died in service or were killed in action during the Vietnam War. 

This memorial honours the Australians who died in Vietnam, and the names are listed in order of the date of death. Alongside the memorial is a smaller memorial commemorating the 70th anniversary of National Service in Australia. 

A moving ceremony was held to unveil the 70 years National Servicemen’s and Vietnam War memorials in Moree.The development of the memorials has sparked national interest, with 521 names adorning  a large plaque on the sandstone Vietnam War memorial. This plaquehonours the Australians who died in Vietnam, and the names are listed in order of the date of death.

Northwest National Service (Nasho) Association Sub-branch president Barry Fitzgerald said the new memorials, at Moree’s Anzac Park, were unique and not to be found anywhere else in Australia. Mr Fitzgerald did a great amount of research in finding out details for the memorial. Former Moree Plains mayor John Tramby OAM organised the names in date order. Among the gathering at the unveiling was Nasho and renowned Australian entertainer Normie Rowe AM.

“Normie found the names of five of his mates on the memorial,” Mr Fitzgerald said. “He said we did a wonderful job with the memorial.”

Alongside the large 1.2 tonne sandstone memorial is a smaller memorial honouring the 70th anniversary of national service. The smaller Nashos memorial commemorates the 70th anniversary of national service for Australia by 314,000 young servicemen who underwent national service training for Australia’s defence between 1951 and 1972. It was funded by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs.

Before the unveiling ceremony, a march made its way down Balo Street for a commemoration service at the Moree Town Hall. Mr Fitzgerald estimated a turnout of at least 100 people for the march. The new Balo Street Anzac memorial was also explained in the morning’s proceedings. A relieved Mr Fitzgerald was pleased that the plaques were able to be unveiled to the public after several delays. The COVID pandemic as well as the death of a leading National Servicemen’s Association official saw the launch delayed.

At the unveiling, a plaque was presented to a family representative of the association official. Mr Fitzgerald was also pleased to see John Tramby OAM honoured for his contribution to the memorial, as well as the wider Anzac Park. “He put 20 years into that park,” Mr Fitzgerald said. It’s a magnificent park.”

The new memorial and Nasho tribute has further cemented Anzac Park as a place to honour national service and the thousands of people who have died in all theatres of war as well as all of those who survived military service.
The Courier (NSW) 4 September 2022. 



Address:Anne & Gosport Streets, ANZAC Centenary Park, Moree, 2400
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -29.473665
Long: 149.847406
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Conflict


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Sunday 28th August, 2022
Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au