
Soldiers Memorial ParkPrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Arthur Garland / Neil Follett

The park was originally established to commemorate those who served in World War One. The park contains a memorial, plaques and trees dedicated to those who served in the South African (Boer) War, World War One, World War Two and the Vietnam War. 

After the cessation of hostilities in World War One, the idea of converting the old market reserve into a memorial park with an avenue of honour was raised. A local committee was formed and at a public meeting on 7 May 1919, the idea was adopted. 

A. R. Outtrim M.P. officiated at the opening in mid 1919 and by April 1920 the Crown Lands and Survey Officer commented '[the site] has recently been enclosed with a substantial fence and avenues of trees planted ... with ornamental trees at a cost of 130 pounds as a memorial to soldiers of the district'. The market reservation was revoked by the state government on 13th July 1920 and the site re-reserved as a 'public park' in 1923. 



Address:Heales & O`Hara Streets, Talbot, 3371
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -37.170247
Long: 143.701522
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Park
Monument Theme:Conflict


Approx. Monument Dedication Date:1919
Front Inscription


Soldiers Memorial Park


Source: MA,VWHI, VHD
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au