Methodist Memorial HallPrint Page
The hall of the West Ashgrove Methodist Church was erected to commemorate those who served in World War One and World War Two.
Note: The Uniting Church was formerly was formerly the West Ashgrove Methodist Church which was built as a war memorial in memory of those who served in both World Wars.
Address: | Coopers Camp Road & Glory Streets, Ashgrove West Uniting Church, Ashgrove West, 4060 |
State: | QLD |
Area: | AUS |
GPS Coordinates: | Lat: -27.448753 Long: 152.977339 Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate. |
Monument Type: | Structure |
Monument Theme: | Conflict |
Sub-Theme: | Multiple |
Link: | http://www.qldwarmemorials.com.au/P… |
Actual Monument Dedication Date: | Saturday 22nd April, 1967 |
Front Inscription
Source: MA,QWMRMethodist Memorial Hall
Plaque :
To the glory of God
And in memory of those who served in World Wars I & II
This stone was set by Rev. Ambrose C. Hawley L.th President of Queensland Methodist Conference
22nd April 1967 Rev. Bazil C. Davey Minister
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au