Ashgrove West Uniting Church Memorial StonePrint Page
The stone commemorates those who served in World War One and World War Two.
The church was formerly the West Ashgrove Methodist Church which was erected as a war memorial.
Address: | Coopers Camp Road & Glory Street, Ashgrove West Uniting Church, Ashgrove West, 4060 |
State: | QLD |
Area: | AUS |
GPS Coordinates: | Lat: -27.448605 Long: 152.977298 Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate. |
Monument Type: | Plaque |
Monument Theme: | Conflict |
Sub-Theme: | Multiple |
Link: | http://www.qldwarmemorials.com.au/P… |
Actual Monument Dedication Date: | Saturday 21st July, 1951 |
Front Inscription
Source: MA,QWMRTo the glory of God
And in memory of those who served in World Wars I & II
This stone was laid in Jubilee Year by Rev. Francis Chowns President of Queensland Methodist Conference
21st July 1951
Rev. W. H. A. Larkin Minister
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au