Memorial GardensPrint Page
Memorial Gardens
Photographs supplied by Roger Johnson
The gardens commemorate servicemen and servicewomen of the Waikerie District who have served in the various conflicts in which Australia has been involved.
Address: | Lawrie Terrace, Waikerie, 5330 |
State: | SA |
Area: | AUS |
GPS Coordinates: | Lat: -34.182159 Long: 139.982105 Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate. |
Monument Type: | Garden |
Monument Theme: | Conflict |
Sub-Theme: | Multiple |
Front Inscription
Source: MAMemorial Gardens
These gardens are dedicated to the servicemen and women of the Waikerie district who served in conflicts to preserve the freedom that we Australians enjoy. Memorials at the bases of the trees include WWI and WWII veterans.
[ Names ]
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au