Redbank Plains War MemorialPrint Page
The monument commemorates those who have served in the various conflicts in which Australia has been involved.
Address: | Moreton Avenue, near Redbank Plains Library, Redbank Plains, 4301 |
State: | QLD |
Area: | AUS |
GPS Coordinates: | Lat: -27.648444 Long: 152.863914 Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate. |
Monument Type: | Monument |
Monument Theme: | Conflict |
Sub-Theme: | Multiple |
Monument Manufacturer: | T. Farrell (Pine Mountain, QLD) |
Link: | http://www.qldwarmemorials.com.au/P… |
Actual Monument Dedication Date: | Thursday 10th April, 1986 |
Front Inscription
Source: MIV,SKP,QWMRThe people of Moreton Shire pay tribute to those members of the armed forces who served honourably in all wars and campaigns
Plaque :
This memorial to the service men and owmen of Australia was unveiled by W. A. Prenzler, O.A.M., President of the Moreton District R.S.L.,
And dedicated by Chaplain P. W. Playsted, B.A., Dip. Ed., Th. L. , Royal Australian Army Headquarters 1st Division, on 10th April, 1986.
Commissioned by Moreton Shire Council
Sculpted by Mr. T Farrell of Pine Mountain.
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au