
Emu Park Memorial CenotaphPrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by John Huth

The cenotaph commemorates those who have served in the various conflicts in which Australia has been involved.

The white painted obelisk cenotaph was unveiled in 1922 and displays honour rolls to Emu Park Soldiers who served in World War One. It was presented by J. N. Lawson to the Ladies Emu Park Improvement Association and erected by them.  Additional memorial walls and plaques commemorating subsequent conflicts have been erected and now form a memorial place.

The Emu Park Cenotaph was unveiled by Mr G.S. Curtis on ANZAC Day 1922. At the unveiling ceremony Mr Curtis recited  the words of Tennyson's poem :-

"Britons myriad voices call
Sons be welded each and all
Into one Imperial whole,
One with Britain heart and soul;
One life, one flag, one fleet , one throne."

Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton) 4th May 1922.


Address:Tennant Memorial Drive, Emu Park, 4710
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -23.257833
Long: 150.828877
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Conflict


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Tuesday 25th April, 1922
Front Inscription

Memorial cenotaph to Emu Park soldiers who took part in the world`s Great War

1914 - 1919

Left Side Inscription

For King and Country 

[ Names ]

Back Inscription

Presented by J. N. Lawson to the Ladies` Emu Park Improvement Association and erected by them

A. D. 1921

E. Bell.               President
H. W. Johnson.  Chairman
E. Goodwin.       Hon. Sec.

Right Side Inscription

For King and Country 

[ Names ]

Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au