
Yahl Memorial HallPrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Stephen Warren

The hall was originally erected to commemorate those from the District who died in service or were killed in action in World War One. A foyer was added to commemorate those who died in service or were killed in action in World War Two.

There was a large attendance at the school on Monday evening, when a decision was arrived at regarding the building of a public hall in memory of the local fallen soldiers. Mr. R. P. Pritchard presided, and outlined the disadvantages, of the district on account of having no hall. Meetings and other functions had to be held at the school, the church, and elsewhere, frequently causing much inconvenience. If the hall were erected it would perpetuate the memory of those who had died so that we might live. The total sum required would be about £800.
Excerpt from Border Watch, 9 September 1919. 

The Yahl Fallen Soldiers Memorial Hall, the foundation stone of which was laid on December 10 by Mr. W. H. Kennedy, was opened for public use on Wednesday afternoon, June 9.  The building is of white limestone, and stands prominently in the north-eastern corner of Kennedy Park. It has been well finished by the builders. On the gable over the front entrance are the figures " 1919 " and the words " Their name liveth for evermore," in raised lettering on the stone.  Mr. G. G.Norman was selected to open the door because he had three sons at the Great War. One of them made the supreme sacrifice for his country, another was taken prisoner, and the third was at the front when peace was declared.
Border Watch (Mount Gambier, SA), 11 June 1920.

A foyer is being added to the front of the Yahl Hall, which is a World War I memorial. The foyer will be a memorial for World War II. It is expected that the foyer will be opened early in December.
Border Watch (Mount Gambier, SA), 5 November 1953.


Address:Yahl Hall Road, Yahl, 5291
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -37.878856
Long: 140.827357
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Structure
Monument Theme:Conflict


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Wednesday 10th December, 1919
Front Inscription

          - 1919 - 
       Their Name
      For Evermore 



Source: SKP, RVWM, MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au