
Soldiers` Memorial RotundaPrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Chris McLaughlin / Glen Yeomans

The rotunda commemorates those who have died in service or been killed in action in the various conflicts in which Australia has been involved.  It is an octagonal band stand on a base of rough hewn Angaston marble with marble steps and facings

It was originally erected to commemorate those who died in service or been killed in action in World War One. The plaque containing the names of those who died in service or been killed in action in World War Two was unveiled by the Governor, Sir Willoughby Norrie, in May 1949.

An additional plaque was added at a later date to commemorate those who died in service or been killed in action in the Vietnam War. 

Miss Ethel Campbell, accompanied by Dr. and Mrs. Campbell and Colonel Stanhope, arrived at Port Augusta on November 15, and were met at the railway station by the Mayor (Mr. J. Roberts), town clerk (Mr. J. Holdsworth), president of the Returned Soldiers' League (Mr. R. W. Arrowsmith), Mr. A. E. Watkin, chairman of the memorial committee, and Mesdames J. Holdsworth (president of the Red Cross Society), Mrs. A. E. Carrig, and Miss Hardy, Cheer-up, the trench comforts societies, and a number of citizens and diggers. After lunch Miss Campbell, Mrs. Campbell, and Colonel Stanhope were escorted by the Mayor, Mr. A. E. Watkin, the town clerk, and Dr. L. J. Pellew to the Memorial Garden, where the Band Stand Memorial is erected. The diggers formed guard of honor under Captain Lindsay.

The mayor, on behalf of the town and district, welcomed Miss Campbell. He said she was a lady they all desired to honor for her splendid service to the Empire and the soldiers. It was a great pleasure to have the honor of receiving her that day. Mr. A. W. Arrowsmith, president of the Port Augusta branch of the R.S. and S. L. League, on behalf of the diggers, gave Miss Campbell hearty thanks for the splendid service she had rendered to the Australian troops. The memorial was second to none in the Commonwealth and a credit to the committee. He exhorted those present to maintain the garden and memorial in good order as a tribute to the memory of the 60,000 Australians who had died during the war. He called for three cheers for Miss Campbell, which were lustily given.

The chairman of the committee, Mr. A. E. Watkin gave a history of the memorial. It had cost £473, which was paid.  Mr. Watkin said it was fitting that a lady should dedicate the memorial. The mothers of the race had always helped the great movements of the Empire. Sixteen Port Augusta men had died in war who fought for their country and their mothers like heroes. Mr. Watkin paid an eloquent tribute to the motherhood of Australia. He then asked Miss Campbell to unveil the Memorial.
Chronicle (Adelaide), 24 November 1923.


Address:Jervois & Marryat Streets, Gladstone Square, Port Augusta, 5710
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -32.491514
Long: 137.763619
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Conflict
Designer:Mr A. B. Eldred
Monument Manufacturer:Mr. W. J. Stevens (contractor)


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Thursday 15th November, 1923
Front Inscription

The Great War

In memory of those who fell

1914 - 1919

[ Names ]

Plaque :

In honour of those who fell in World War II

1939 - 1945

[ Names ]

Plaque :

In honour of those who fell in the Vietnam Campaign

1962 - 1972

[ Names ]


Source: MA,RVWM
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au