
Kingston SE War MemorialPrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Kent Watson / Graeme Saunders

The monument commemorates those from the District who died in service or were killed in action in World War One and World War Two.   It was originally to commemorate those who died in service or were killed in action in World War One with the names of those from World War Two added at a later date. 

Kingston, October 23. There was a very large gathering of residents of the town and district at the unveiling of the monument to our local fallen soldiers to-day. The ceremony was performed by the Minister for Repatriation (the Hon. G. Laffer).

The Minister withdrew the flags, when was revealed the figure of a soldier in white marble standing on a granite base, reaching in all 15 feet in height. The cost was £315. On the front panel of the base is the inscription "Erected by the residents of Kingston and districts in memory of those who made the supreme sacrifice in the great war." On the side panels are inscribed the names of the fallen.
The Narracoorte Herald (SA), 5 November 1920.


Address:James Street, Kingston SE, 5275
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -36.829642
Long: 139.853748
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Conflict


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 23rd October, 1920
Front Inscription

Erected by the residents of Kingston and District

In memory of those who made the supreme sacrifice in the Great War 

1914 - 1919.


Left Side Inscription
[ Names ]
Back Inscription
Made the supreme sacrifice 
1939 - 1945
[ Names ] 
Right Side Inscription
[ Names ]
Source: MA,RVWM
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au