Echuca War MemorialPrint Page
The War Memorial was originally erected to commemorate those who served in World War One and was unveiled in High Street in 1927. At the time of the unveiling in 1927, a bronze honour roll was unveiled on the Town Hall facade. After 1971 the monument and the honour roll panels were moved to the Civic Centre Gardens on Hare Street. The panels are now attached to brick walls at the site.
The honour roll for World War Two and later conflicts was unveiled on the 30th January 1989. The monument now commemorates all wars and conflicts.
The monument is a marble statue of a World War One soldier, with arms reversed, standing on a tall column. The column rests on a rectangular pedestal on a six-sided columned plinth on a three-stepped base. At either side of the memorial are honour roll panels containing the names of those from the district who served in the conflicts.
Echuca, Wednesday -
The Echuca Soldiers' Memorial was unveiled this afternoon in the presence of a large crowd of town and country residents The day was hot and dusty and conditions exceedingly trying. Returned soldiers, the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides were in attendance. The memorial, which is in High street opposite the town hall was designed by Mr A J Inches, of Echuca. It is a singularly beautiful column surmounted by a soldier in white marble. Mr Hugh McKenzie, a former M.L.A. for Rodney and president of the memorial committee presided at the ceremony.
Councillor J Simmie (mayor) read an address of welcome to the returned soldiers and others present. Mr J. K. Forsyth, who unveiled the memorial emphasised the need for everyone to remember the glorious deeds of those who hadd given their lives. Mr. I. Blezard replied on behalf of the returned soldiers, and Mr. Abbot M.L.C and Mr. John Clayton, president of the Soldiers` Fathers` Association, gave addresses, after which the Rev. R. Birch dedicated the memorial. Hymns were sung by a combine choir under the conductorship of Mr. F.C. Mueller, to the accompaniment of the 5th Cavalry Brigade Band.
Argus (Melbourne), 17 November 1927.
Address: | Hare Street , Civic Centre Gardens , Echuca, 3564 |
State: | VIC |
Area: | AUS |
GPS Coordinates: | Lat: -36.123532 Long: 144.748606 Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate. |
Monument Type: | Monument |
Monument Theme: | Conflict |
Sub-Theme: | Multiple |
Actual Event Start Date: | 04-August-1914 |
Actual Event End Date: | 28-June-1919 |
Actual Monument Dedication Date: | Wednesday 16th November, 1927 |
This Memorial
Was Unveiled On
16th Nov. 1927
Brig.-General J. K. Forsyth C.M.G. D.S.O.
Honour Roll Panel :
Honor Roll
1914 The Great War 1918
[ Names ]
1914 THE GREAT WAR 1918
This Honor Roll was erected by the residents of Echuca and District
In honor of those who fought and fell for the Empire
Hart Hicks Hon. Sect.
Echuca Soldiers Memorial Committee
[ Names ]
THE GREAT WAR. 1914 .1918
The Great War. 1914 .1918
Erected by the people of Echuca and District
In grateful remembrance of those who gave their lives for King and Empire.
Honour Roll Panel :
1939 1972
Those who served
[ Names ]