Wee Waa War MemorialPrint Page
The clocktower was originally erected to commemorate those from the District who served in World War One. The clock tower also features an World War One Honour Roll from the Loyal King Edward Lodge of Wee Waa.
An additional plaque was added in 1994 to commemorate those from the district who served in other conflicts. The clock tower was refurbished in 1999. A further plaque was added in 2018 to commemorate 100 years since the end of World War One.
Twenty years after an appeal was first made for subscriptions, the Wee Waa War Memorial was unveiled yesterday. The memorial is a handsome clock tower, 38 feet high, with an electrically driven four faced clock, illuminated inside and out. The bricks are a local product, and give a richness of colour not obtainable in the machine-made article. The cost was £550. A ball tonight is expected to wipe out a small deficiency. Almost £100 was given at the conclusion of the opening ceremony. A procession to the tower was headed by the newly-formed Narrabri Light Horse Troop. Speakers included the Minister for Lands, Mr Sinclair and Mr.Scully, MP.
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW), 8 September 1938.
Address: | Rose & Church Streets, Wee Waa, 2388 |
State: | NSW |
Area: | AUS |
GPS Coordinates: | Lat: -30.225609 Long: 149.442693 Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate. |
Monument Type: | Clock |
Monument Theme: | Conflict |
Sub-Theme: | Multiple |
Designer: | R. Richardson (architect) |
Monument Manufacturer: | W. T. Weaven (builder) |
Actual Monument Dedication Date: | Wednesday 7th September, 1938 |
The Great War
1914 · 1918
In gratitude to those of this District who went forth · specially to those who laid down their lives
This memorial was built by the Wee Waa Sub Branch of the R.S.S.I.L.A. through the generosity of the citizens
C. F. Bullen President R. Richardson
N. Comino Hon. Treas. Architect
B. E. Shambrook W. T. Weaven
Hon Sec. Builder
Dedicated A.D. 1938
Plaque :
In Remembrance
In gratitude to all those who went forth from this area, especially those who laid down their lives in the following conflicts
World War II
Korea Vietnam
Malaya Gulf War
This plaque has been put in place by the Wee Waa R. S. L. Sub-Branch with the support of the Chamber of Commerce
Plaque :
This plaque was unveiled ~ on ~ 25th April, 1994 ~ by ~ Mr George Humpries
Gunner 3rd Anti-Tank Regt.
Dedicated by Rev. Grant Thorp
In Remembrance
This plaque commemorates 100 years since the end of WWI on 11th November 1918
Placed here on Remembrance Day 11th November 2018 by the Wee Waa community
1914 For King and Country 1918
Loyal King Edward Lodge No. 214
Wee Waa
M.U.I.O.O.F. Honor Roll
[ Names ]