
Inman Valley Memorial HallPrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Bryan Cole

The hall was erected to commemorate those who have served in World Wars One and Two. It was officially opened on the 29th October 1955. 

After many preliminary public meetings, and much investigation by site committees, finance committee and building committees, the Inman Valley residents commenced work on the new hall site and anticipate carting the gravel and pouring the concrete foundations in the new few weeks. The hall is to be a red brick structure with an overall measurement of 80 feet by 35 feet, and will include, in addition to the main hall, two cloak rooms, a stage, a supper room, and a servery kitchen. The hall is to be built in a central position on land which originally was owned by Mr. E.G. Hurrell, but was exchanged for a block of land owned by Miss Hurrell, after which Miss Hurrell very generously donated the land to the district for the hall. The residents are very grateful to her for her noble gesture. Although it is not anticipated that the building will be completed in the current year, the district is very enthusiastic and it is expected that much will be accomplished by the end of the autumn. The hall should be a fitting memorial to whom we owe so much and who served in the two World Wars, and it should accommodate the needs of the district for many years to come.
Victor Harbour Times (SA), 15 January 1954.

On Saturday, 28th August, Mrs. C. I. Grosvenor of Adelaide (formerly of "Rosebank," Inman Valley) will lay a Memorial stone in memory of those who served in two world wars. Following this a stone in memory of the district's pioneers will be laid by Miss H. Hurrell of Inman Valley.   Proceeding's will commence at 2.30 p.m. and the Hon. J. l. S. Bice, M. L. C., and Mr. W. F.   Roads will be the main speakers. Following the laying of the stones, afternoon tea will be served.  Steady progress has been made with the building of the hall since work commenced last January and it is anticipated that the brickwork will be almost completed at the end of this month. A large attendance is expected as the laying of the stones will mark an important day in the  progress of the district.  
Victor Harbour Times (SA), 20 August 1954.


Address:1714 Inman Valley Road, Inman Valley, 5211
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -35.493873
Long: 138.457965
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Structure
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:
Actual Event End Date:


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 28th August, 1954
Front Inscription

Inman Valley

Memorial Hall


Left Side Inscription

This stone was laid by Mrs C. I. Grosvenor

28th Aug. 1954

In memory of those who served their country 

1914 - 18   -  1939 - 45

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au