
Fallen Soldiers MemorialPrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Bryan Cole

The monument commemorates those who have died in service or have been killed in action in the various conflicts in which Australia has been involved. 

The 1.8 metre wide by 1.4 metre high granite memorial is in the shape of a half moon.  Funding was received through the ANZAC Centenary Grants Program. 

A new memorial to the fallen is planned for Glenelg's foreshore. Plympton Glenelg RSL Sub-Branch secretary Don Smith was confident a proposed $38,000 monument to be built 10m east of the Glenelg Jetty in line with the Pioneer Memorial at the western end of Moseley Square would be ready in time for the Anzac centenary in 2015. The 1.8m wide by 1.4m high granite memorial would be in the shape of a half moon.

"On the eastern facing side it will be inscribed with 'In memory of all servicemen and women who made the supreme sacrifice Lest We Forget'," Mr Smith said. "On the western side, which will face the sea, it will read 'At the going down of the sun we will remember them'."

The sub-branch planned to seek funding from Holdfast Bay Council and the Federal Government under its scheme to offer $100,000 to each electorate for Anzac-themed projects.

This year's Glenelg dawn service would be held at the site of the proposed memorial to cater for growing interest in the ceremony.

Moving the service from Holdfast Bay's war memorial at the southeastern corner of Holdfast Shores, where it has been held since 2001, was also necessary to cater for the larger crowds expected for the Gallipoli centenary.

"The venue where it is being held has become overcrowded because numbers are increasing," Mr Smith said. "People have said if they're not in the front row or at a side vantage point they can't see what's going on.

"And coming up to the centenary we know there will be more and more people wanting to go to dawn services and there's just not the room at Holdfast Shores. "I think we had 1500-2000 down there last year in a confined space."

Mr Smith expected about 2000 this year and 5000 in 2015.
The Advertiser (SA), 24 April 2013. 



Address:Moseley Square, Jetty Road, Glenelg, 5045
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -34.980356
Long: 138.511214
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Conflict


Approx. Monument Dedication Date:2015
Front Inscription

In memory of all men and women who made the supreme sacrifice in all conflicts

Lest We Forget


Back Inscription

At the going down of the sun

We will remember them


Source: MA, DVA,RVWM
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au