
Lone Pine AvenuePrint Page Print this page

Lone Pine Avenue commemorates those who died in service or were killed in action during World War One and World War Two. Six Lone Pines have been planted in the avenue. A garden of metal poppies made by the students and a metal statue inspired by the last ANZAC Alec Campbell were placed in the avenue on the 10th November 2015.

A Garden of metal poppies and a commemorative statue are the newest features of Bossley Park High School.

Students and teachers held a Remembrance Day ceremony at the garden today and planted metal poppies as a lasting reminder of those who fought and lost their lives in World War I and World War II. 

Deputy principal Kathii Langadinos said the 500 poppies were made by students from the gifted and talented visual arts classes with the help of teacher Ty Tan, who also designed and constructed the new statue. "This project was made possible because three years ago, the principal of the time, Ian Parnaby, requested that I apply for a federal government grant to commemorate the centenary of Anzac, "she said.

The statue was inspired by the last Anzac, Alec William Campbell, and will be placed among six Lone pine trees germinated from a a seed brought home from Gallipoli by a Digger.

Today's minute's silence at 11am marks 100 years since the guns on the Western Front fell silent and war ended.
Fairfield City Champion, 10 November 2015.

Funding of $9720 was received in 2014 to create the avenue and a museum within the school as part of the Anzac Centenary Grants Program. 



Address:6-44 Prairie Vale Road, Bossley Park High School , Bossley Park, 2176
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -33.869782
Long: 150.875306
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Trees
Monument Theme:Conflict
Designer:Ty Tan (statue)
Artist:Ty Tan (statue)
Source: DVA, MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au