
Massacre HillPrint Page Print this page

The monument commemorates Aborigines who were said to have been massacred at the site.  The monument has been vandalised several times. 

According to stories that have spanned generations, Europeans killed a large group of Karrae-Wurrong Aboriginal men here. They did so by running them off the cliffs, whilst the women and children were supposedly killed in a swamp that is close by.

However, there are many contradicting stories and, more importantly, no written evidence of what happened. All that is known is that the population of Aboriginal people dropped from a few thousand to almost none. Some theories believe this was caused by mass migration, but local folklore has other ideas.


Address:Great Ocean Road, Massacre Hill, 5 kilometres west of Peterborough, Peterborough, 3270
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -38.596389
Long: 142.860833
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Conflict
Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au